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Ease sore muscles in just a few steps

When you train hard at the gym, you may develop some serious muscle soreness. Some muscle soreness is a good thing, but it shouldn't last for too long. Our tips for easing muscle soreness will help you recover within a few days.
Generally, the muscle soreness is worse the second day and as the days go on it begins to fade gradually. If you don't want to give up on your gym time, then try these tips to help you get the muscle aches taken care of and you feeling better quickly.
- Stretch before and after a workout: Stretching before your workout will increase blood flow, flexibility, and range of motion. It will also avoid you pulling a muscle which can be painful.
- Drink lots of water. Hydrate often: Staying hydrated is a key aspect in muscle recovery.
- Treat yourself to an epsom salt bath: This can be one of the best ways to ease sore muscles. Make sure to soak in warm water for about 20 minutes to let the salts treat the muscle pain.
- Massage: Another great way to get your blood flowing is to pamper yourself with a nice 1-hour massage. This will help relax and reset your body.
- Apply Ice: If you feel like you pulled a muscle, ice immediately for at least 25 minutes to help reduce the inflammation.
We hope that these tips to ease sore muscles will help keep you active and focused!